Chartered Accountants and Accountants
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What Is a Chartered Accountant?

Trying to find out the difference between Chartered Accountants and Accountants? When you’re looking for an accountant for your business, you’ll inevitably run into accounting firms that spout about how they have Chartered Accountants. But what exactly is a Chartered Accountant, and what’s the difference between a Chartered Accountant and a regular Accountant? This is…

Changing Accountants - A Step by Step Guide
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5 Important Steps to Change Accountant Seamlessly

Are you looking to change accountants? Is your accountant not responding or taking far too long to get back to you? We often have clients sign up for our services due to a negative experience with their previous accountant or accounting firm. For example, we picked up a new client in the Formwork industry. When…

accountant for doctors
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How To Choose The Best Accountant for Doctors

Medical professionals constantly juggle their day-to-day practice with the business side of things.  But let’s face it, as a doctor, you’ve got your hands full with patient care, so management and financial planning tends to take a backseat.  While a doctor’s primary goal is to focus on providing health services to their clients, they mustn’t…

When Will You Need An Accountant Letter?

When Will You Need An Accountant Letter?

An accountant letter is a document that is used to verify an individual’s or company’s financial status.  Banks, landlords, and other institutions often request it when someone is applying for a loan or credit card, trying to rent a property, or seeking other financial assistance.  An accountant’s letter can be a valuable tool in obtaining…

what happens when a company goes into liquidation
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What Happens When a Company Goes Into Liquidation?

Considering the current state of the worldwide economy and the effects of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that business owners are rethinking their exit strategies, particularly in terms of liquidation. Some business owners have seriously weighed up the option of closing their doors to avoid possible negative consequences. But for others, the negative impact of…

Questions to Ask Your Accountant
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6 Questions To Ask Your Accountant That Can Save You Thousands

So, you may have recently switched accountants, or you may have just started a new business venture. Perhaps you’ve just figured that you should start taking advantage of the fact that you have an accountant and you need to get your business affairs in order. Choosing the right questions to ask your accountant can be…

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