8 Things to Look For When Choosing the Right Accountant
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8 Things to Look For When Choosing the Right Accountant

Looking for an accountant? What you should be looking for in an accountant? What benefits can an accountant offer? Finding the accountant who will be the right fit for you can be a long and complicated process. The general view is that accountants are expensive and are only there to ‘fill out forms to keep…

Taking Money Out of a Limited Company
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4 Ways to Taking Money Out of a Limited Company

Taking money out of a limited company for personal use Many contractors choose to operate out of a Pty Ltd company as it is the most suitable structure for them. A Pty Ltd Company is a separate legal entity and thus, all the money and assets belong to the company as opposed to the shareholders…

9 Things You Absolutely Need to Know about Tax
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9 Things You Absolutely Need to Know about Tax

The Tax Guide for Contractors, Consultants, Freelancers and Locums As a consultant, contractor, freelancer and locum there is a range of taxation obligations you are required to deal with. It is important to speak to your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Office of State Revenue (OSR) to ensure you have met all…

Is a Verbal Agreement Legally Binding?
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Is a Verbal Agreement Legally Binding?

There is a lot of conjecture as to whether a written contract is required for all agreements or is a verbal agreement also legally binding? The answer to that is that both verbal or written can be legally binding. However, do we recommend it? And the answer is no. Why written contracts are better than…

7 Types Insurance for Contractors
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7 Types Insurance for Contractors

What types of insurance for contractors, consultants, freelancers and locums? Contractors in every industry face risk on a daily basis. Thus it is essential to manage those risks by taking up the correct insurances. There are a range of insurances that a contractor can take up to ensure that their business runs smoothly. To choose…

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