tax compliance

What is Company Tax Compliance? The Essential Guide

Running a business is not always easy. One of the most important aspects for businesses, especially those who are just starting out, is to ensure they are compliant with company tax laws in the Australian tax system.  There’s no point in working hard to build your company if you’re going to get fined or penalised…

tax losses carried forward

How Tax Losses Carried Forward Can Help You Minimise Tax

It’s not uncommon for business owners to experience losses in their business operations. From a tax perspective, however, this isn’t always a bad thing. The good news is that there are several ways Australian business owners can minimise tax and still keep their companies profitable.  One way is by carrying forward tax loss – which…

tax deductions for doctors
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The 9 Best Tax Deductions For Doctors

Doctors are among the highest-earning professionals in Australia. And the higher the income, the higher the marginal tax rate. But did you know that as a medical professional, you’re eligible for a pretty long list of deductions? Unfortunately, however, many doctors are missing out because they don’t know what tax deductions they can claim.  So,…

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The Ultimate Guide on Land Tax

As an investor, there are several property taxes that you need to be aware of, one of them being a land tax.  While there may be some exemptions, paying land tax is an inevitable part of owning a property.  It can often be overwhelming trying to navigate land tax and how it’s assessed – especially…

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Essential Things You Need to Know About Payroll Tax

Payroll tax is tax payable where a business’s wages exceed specific thresholds that are imposed by each state or territory.  According to the Bureau of Statistics, payroll tax represents about 30% of state tax revenue.  As a business owner, it’s essential that you’re equipped with all there is to know about your payroll tax obligations. …

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Taxable Income For Small Businesses

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Taxable Income For Small Businesses

Given that every cent counts in the current distressed market, as a small business owner, you’re going to want to figure out how to reduce taxable income for your business. According to a recent report by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), with over four million small businesses in Australia, they play a crucial role in…

sole trader
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The 6 Sole Trader Deductions You Can Claim

Knowing about your sole trader tax deductions will undoubtedly boost your tax return each year. Many of the costs that you incur from running your sole trader business can be claimed as a tax deduction.  Yet, many sole traders miss out on expense claims because they aren’t equipped with all the knowledge presented by the…

small business cgt concessions

The 4 Small Business CGT Concessions Your Business Needs Now

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) offers significant benefits and small business CGT concessions in an attempt to recognise that they are in a unique position in comparison to larger companies.  But understanding them can be a bit tricky without the help of a qualified tax agent or a savvy business partner.  For small business owners…

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The Essential Guide to Apply for an R&D Tax Incentive

In an effort to drive innovation, the Australian Government offers an R&D tax incentive to companies who invest in research and development (R&D).  However, according to a recent submission by CPA Australia, only 11,935 companies out of 1 million corporate taxpayers, claimed R&D tax offsets in the 2016 – 17 financial year. Based on their…

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