Understanding the NSW COVID Government Grants
last updated 09/08/2021
Everything you need to know about the July 2021 NSW COVID-19 Grants
With the latest lockdown restrictions extended for another two weeks, the New South Wales government has introduced a few new support measures on 15th July 2021 for both businesses and individuals alike.
While much of the information is still being finalised, we thought we’d give you an update on what we know so far and what you can expect going forward.
The relief ranges from payroll support, tax relief and cash flow boosts.
Applications will open on 19 July 2021 and close at 11:59pm on 13 September 2021. So, there is still ample amount of time to apply for grants and there is no need to panic.
This guide is suitable for
- Business owners
- Commercial and Residential Property LandlordsÂ
- Accommodation providers (i.e. Airbnb and Hotels)
- Individuals
So here’s what you need to know.Â
What Can Businesses Expect From The NSW COVID-19 Business Grants?
1. COVID-19 Micro Business Grants
Available to: Companies & Sole Traders with a turnover between $30k and $75k
Payment frequency: Fortnightly
- $1,500 per fortnight
Who is Eligible?
- A turnover between $30k and $75k
- Your business revenue has declined by 30% in a minimum 2-week period from 26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 compared to the same period in June and/or July 2019.
- Businesses that provide the primary income source for a person associated with the business.
How to apply:
- Micro business payments will end when the lockdown in NSW ends
- Applications open in late July 2021
- Register your interest with Service NSW
- Book an appointment to speak to an accountant
What you need:
- a MyServiceNSW Account
- your proof of identity
- your valid ABN/ACN number
- your business banking details for payment
- Australian income tax return or Notice of Assessment
- A qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent
2. COVID-19 One-Off Payment Business Grant
Available to: Companies & Sole Traders with an annual turnover of more than $75k
Payment frequency: One-off
- Tier 1: $7,500 for a decline of 30% or more
- Tier 2: $10,500 for a decline of 50% or more
- Tier 3: $15,000 for a decline of 70% or more
- Your business revenue is compared with an equivalent 2 weeks period in 2019 and 2021
- The period of comparison in 2021 must be during the July 2021 lockdown period (26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021)
- If your business is on the NSW/Victorian border, the period of comparison is a minimum 2-week period from 27 May 2021 to 17 July 2021
- Eligible businesses may only receive one grant tier
- Only one grant is available for a single ABN
- Multiple businesses under a single ABN are only eligible for one grant
Who is Eligible?
- Your business revenue has declined by 30% (Tier 1), 50% (Tier 2), 70% (Tier 3) in a minimum 2-week period from 26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 compared to the same period in June and/or July 2019.
- You have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and were operating in New South Wales as at 1 June 2021.
- Your business has an annual turnover above $75,000.
- Your total payroll must be below $10 million.
- You have business costs for which there is no other government support available.
- Not-for-profit organisations are also eligible to apply for the one-off grant if they meet the eligibility criteria stated above.
- Non-employing businesses, such as sole traders, may similarly apply for the one-off grant if it meets the eligibility criteria stated above.
- If your business is on the Victorian border and is impacted by the NSW lockdown that commenced on 27 May 2021, you may similarly apply for the one-off grant if you meet the eligibility criteria stated above however the referenced period will be over a minimum 2-week period from 27 May 2021 to 17 July 2021 compared to the same period in May and/or June and/or July 2019.
If your business is a new business and was not operating for the full 2019-20 financial year:
You’ll need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the public health order over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021 compared to:
- the same period in 2019, or
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced (11 to 25 June 2021).
Businesses that cannot demonstrate the minimum $75,000 aggregated annual turnover or the minimum decline in turnover should contact Service NSW as they may still be eligible to apply if they:
- were not operating for the full year to 30 June 2020 (e.g. they are a new business) but can demonstrate income consistent with $75,000 per annum over a shorter period prior to 26 June 2021, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders, or
- their turnover in June/July 2019 was not representative of their usual or average turnover (e.g. due to drought or bushfires) which is usually $75,000 per annum or more, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders.
How can the funding be used?
- The grant must be used for business costs such as:
- Utilities, wages and rent;
- Financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning;
- Marketing and communications activities to develop the business;
- The cost of perishable goods that can no longer be used; or
- Other activities to support the operation of the business.
The funding cannot be used for:
- Expenses that are provided by other government supports such as government fees and charges as it would be covered by the $1500 small business fees and charges rebate.
What you need:
- A MyServiceNSW Account.
- Your proof of identity.
- Your valid ABN/ACN number.
- Your business banking details for payment.
- Submit an Australian income tax return or Notice of Assessment to prove your annual turnover.
- Declare evidence that your business have eligible expenses for which no other government support is available. Receipts would need to be kept in your company file in case of a future audit.
- Declare your business employee headcount as at 13 July 2021.
- Declare that your business will maintain the employee headcount as at 13 July 2021 for the period for which the business is receiving payments under this Grant and the JobSaver scheme.
- Eligible businesses any of the one-off grants that are NOT on the ‘highly impacted industries list will be required to submit an Accountants Letter provided by a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent that shows your total annual wages and decline in turnover to ServiceNSW.
- Businesses on the ‘highly impacted industries list‘ that are eligible for the $7,500 (tier one) and the $10,500 (tier two) grant are only required to declare and keep evidence of your decline in turnover. They are not required to submit the evidence or provide an Accountants Letter.
- However, for business on the ‘highly impacted industries list’ applying for the $15,000 grant (tier 3), you will be required to submit an Accountants Letter provided by a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent that shows your total annual wages and decline in turnover to ServiceNSW.
- Provide details of a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent to ServiceNSW for possible compliance checking.
Ineligible businesses
A business is not eligible for the 2021 COVID-19 Business Grant if any of the following apply:
- the Major Bank Levy was imposed on the entity or a member of its consolidated group for any quarter before 1 July 2021
- the entity is an Australian government agency (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997)
- the entity is a local governing body
- the entity is wholly owned by an Australian government agency or local governing body
- the entity is a sovereign entity or owned by a sovereign entity
- the entity is a company in liquidation or provisional liquidation
- the entity is an individual who has entered bankruptcy
- the entity has been found to have been engaged in fraud
- the entity primarily earns passive income (rents, interest, or dividends).
How to Apply:
- Applications open in late July 2021
- Register your interest with Service NSW
- Book an appointment to speak to an accountant
Available to: Companies & Sole Traders with an annual turnover of more than $75k
Payment Frequency: Weekly
- Business and not-for-profit organisations that have employees: Based on 40% of your NSW payroll level and it starts from $1,500 per week and is capped at a maximum of $10,000 per week.
- Weekly Payroll should generally be determined by referring to the calculations underlying the most recent Business Activity Statement (BAS) provided to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) prior to 26 June 2021 for the 2020-21 financial year. Item W1 in the BAS includes amounts of wages, salaries and other payments that are subject to PAYG withholding tax (as defined by the ATO).
- Payments subject to withholding tax in W1 includes allowances, leave loading, director fees and termination payments but does not include payments such as superannuation contributions, amount subject to salary sacrifice, interest or dividends.
- Businesses who employ contractors: For the purposes of calculating Weekly Payroll, businesses should deduct amounts from W1 that have been withheld on behalf of contractors under voluntary agreements.
Formula for calculating weekly payroll if you predominantly operate in NSW:
Weekly Payroll Amount = (W1 Total salary, wages and other payments as per latest BAS – Amount withheld on behalf of contractors) / number of days in BAS period x 7
Formula for calculating weekly payroll if you also operate in other states other than NSW:
Weekly Payroll Amount = (W1 Total salary, wages and other payments as per latest BAS – Amount withheld on behalf of contractors in NSW only) / number of days in BAS period x 7
Formula for calculating weekly payroll if your business does not submit a BAS:
Weekly Payroll Amount = (W1 Total salary, wages and other payments as per ATO definition of W1 – Amount withheld on behalf of contractors in NSW in April/May 2021) / Days in a specified month X 7
- Businesses that does not have employees: Payment amount for non employing entities such as sole traders will be capped at $1,000 per week.
- Eligible businesses and not-for-profit organisations will receive fortnightly payments backdated to cover costs incurred from week 4 of the Greater Sydney lockdown (from 18 July 2021 onwards). The 2021 COVID-19 Business Grant covers the first three weeks of the Greater Sydney lockdown.
Who is Eligible?
If you are eligible for the One-Off Payment COVID Business Grant, you will likely be eligible for the JobSaver Grant as well.
The following list of eligibility criteria have been announced:
- Your business revenue has declined by 30% in a minimum 2-week period from 6 June and due to end 28 August 2021 compared to the same period in 2019, 2020 or the 2-week period immediately before lockdown commenced (11 to 25 June 2021)
- Your business has an annual turnover above $75,000.
- Businesses that meet the turnover eligibility requirements must also maintain all the employees including full-time, part-time and long-term casual staffing. This is in line with the government’s core objective of protecting jobs throughout the pandemic.Â
- Not-for-profit organisations are also eligible to apply for the cash flow boost.Â
- Non-employing businesses, such as sole traders, may similarly apply for the cash flow boost if the business experienced a 30% turnover reduction.
Businesses that cannot demonstrate the minimum $75,000 aggregated annual turnover or the minimum decline in turnover should contact Service NSW as they may still be eligible to apply if they:
- were not operating for the full year to 30 June 2020 (e.g. they are a new business) but can demonstrate income consistent with $75,000 per annum over a shorter period prior to 26 June 2021, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders, or
- their turnover in June/July 2019 was not representative of their usual or average turnover (e.g. due to drought or bushfires) which is usually $75,000 per annum or more, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders.
How can the funding be used?
- The grant must be used for business costs such as:
- Utilities, wages and rent;
- Financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning;
- Marketing and communications activities to develop the business;
- The cost of perishable goods that can no longer be used; or
- Other activities to support the operation of the business.
The funding cannot be used for:
- Expenses that are provided by other government supports such as government fees and charges as it would be covered by the $1500 small business fees and charges rebate.
What you need:
- A MyServiceNSW Account.
- Your proof of identity.
- Your valid ABN/ACN number.
- Your business banking details for payment.
- Submit an Australian income tax return or Notice of Assessment to prove your annual turnover.
- Declare evidence that your business have eligible expenses for which no other government support is available. Receipts would need to be kept in your company file in case of a future audit.
- Declare your business employee headcount as at 13 July 2021.
- Declare that your business will maintain the employee headcount as at 13 July 2021 for the period for which the business is receiving payments under this Grant and the JobSaver scheme.
- Eligible businesses any of the one-off grants that are NOT on the ‘highly impacted industries list will be required to submit an Accountants Letter provided by a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent that shows your total annual wages and decline in turnover to ServiceNSW.
- Businesses on the ‘highly impacted industries list‘ that are eligible for the $7,500 (tier one) and the $10,500 (tier two) grant are only required to declare and keep evidence of your decline in turnover. They are not required to submit the evidence or provide an Accountants Letter.
- However, for business on the ‘highly impacted industries list’ applying for the $15,000 grant (tier 3), you will be required to submit an Accountants Letter provided by a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent that shows your total annual wages and decline in turnover to ServiceNSW.
- Provide details of a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent to ServiceNSW for possible compliance checking.
Ineligible businesses
A business is not eligible for the 2021 COVID-19 Business Grant if any of the following apply:
- the Major Bank Levy was imposed on the entity or a member of its consolidated group for any quarter before 1 July 2021
- the entity is an Australian government agency (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997)
- the entity is a local governing body
- the entity is wholly owned by an Australian government agency or local governing body
- the entity is a sovereign entity or owned by a sovereign entity
- the entity is a company in liquidation or provisional liquidation
- the entity is an individual who has entered bankruptcy
- the entity has been found to have been engaged in fraud
- the entity primarily earns passive income (rents, interest, or dividends).
How to Apply:
- JobSaver payments will end when the lockdown in NSW ends
- Applications open on 26 July 2021 and close at 11:59pm on 18 October 2021.
- Register your interest with Service NSW
- Book an appointment to speak to an accountant
How Has Payroll Support Been Extended?
Beyond the cash flow boost, the NSW government have also extended some of the original COVID-19 business grants and payroll support:
4. Payroll Tax Concessions
- 25% payroll tax waiver for FY 2021-2022
Who is Eligible?
- Your business revenue in an equivalent 2 weeks period in 2019 as compared to 2021 has declined by 30%. The period of comparison in 2021 must be during the July 2021 lockdown period
- If your business pays wages amounting to between $1.2 million and $10 million
How to Apply:
5. Payroll Tax Deferrals
- Deferral of 2020-21 reconciliation (due 28 July) and payments due on 7 August and 7 September until 7 October 2022
Who is Eligible?
- Any business paying payroll tax
How to Apply:
I cannot afford to pay rent for my business premise. Are there any concessions or grants for this?
6. Tenants in Commercial or Retail Premises
Impacted tenants are protected by the Small Business Commissioner. Landlords will not be able to lock out or evict impacted tenants without first going to mediation. We recommend you to negotiate with your landlord to either defer your rental payments or reduce it.
Who is Eligible?
- Tenants must have an annual turnover of $50 million or less
- Tenants must be eligible for either the Micro-business COVID-19 Support Grant, the COVID-19 NSW Business Grant, or the JobSaver Scheme
How to Apply:
I am a landlord and my tenants cannot afford or are refusing to pay rent. What support do I have from the government?
7. Landlords Leasing Commercial Properties
Amount: Payment up to 100% of 2021 land tax
Payment frequency: One-off
Who is Eligible?
- For landlords who provide at least that much rental relief to tenants who are eligible for the
- Micro-business COVID-19 Support Grant
- 2021 COVID-19 NSW Business Grant and/or
- JobSaver scheme
How to Apply:
- visit Revenue NSW
- Book an appointment to speak to an accountant
- Available for rent reductions made from now until 31 December 2021
8. Landlords Leasing Residential Properties
- $1500 grant to residential landowners to pass onto their tenants, OR
- Concession of up to 100% of 2021 land tax
Who is Eligible?
- Residential landlords who are not liable to pay land tax can claim a capped grant of up to $1,500 if they have reduced their rent payment for tenants.Â
- Landlords are, however, temporarily prohibited from evicting tenants with rental arrears if they have suffered a 25% loss in income due to the pandemic restrictions.
How to Apply:
- visit Revenue NSW
- Book an appointment to speak to an accountant
- Available for rent reductions made from now until 31 December 2021
I have an Airbnb business and my clients have cancelled their Airbnb bookings. What support do I have from the government?
9. Grants for Accommodation Providers
Help will be available for eligible tourism accommodation providers that have lost business during the school holiday period. Assistance will be based on the number of cancelled ‘room nights’.
- $2,000 for up to 10 room nights
- $5,000 for 11 or more room nights
Who is Eligible?
- For room nights lost during the 25 June to 11 July period
- Must be able to show evidence of cancellations
How to Apply:
I am an individual who has lost work or have had a lost work during the lockdown period in NSW
I am a sole trader who is not eligible for the COVID business grant or JobSaver, ho
10. Individual COVID-19 Disaster Payments
Businesses are not the only ones receiving support from the NSW government.
Claims for the 1 to 7 July 2021 payment period have closed.
Period date range | Amount if you lost less than 20 hours work that week | Amount if you lost 20 hours or more that week |
8 July to 14 July 2021 | $325 | $500 |
Amounts from 15 July to 28 August 2021
Period date range | Amount if you lost between 8 and less than 20 hours work that week | Amount if you lost a full day of your usual work hours that week | Amount if you lost 20 hours of work or more that week |
15 July to 21 July 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
22 July to 28 July 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
29 July to 4 August 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
5 August to 11 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
12 August to 18 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
19 August to 25 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
26 August to 28 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
Greater Sydney payments
Amounts from 4 July to 17 July 2021
Claims for the 4 to 10 July 2021 period have closed.
Period date range | Amount if you lost less than 20 hours work that week | Amount if you lost 20 hours of work or more that week |
11 July to 17 July 2021 | $325 | $500 |
Amounts from 18 July to 28 August 2021
Period date range | Amount if you lost between 8 and less than 20 hours work that week | Amount if you lost a full day of your usual work hours that week | Amount if you lost 20 hours of work or more that week |
18 July to 24 July 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
25 July to 31 July 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
1 August to 7 August 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
8 August to 14 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
15 August to 21 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
22 August to 28 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
All other areas of NSW
Amounts from 18 July to 28 August 2021
Period date range | Amount if you lost between 8 and less than 20 hours work that week | Amount if you lost a full day of your usual work hours that week | Amount if you lost 20 hours of work or more that week |
18 July to 24 July 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
25 July to 31 July 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
1 August to 7 August 2021 | $375 | $375 | $600 |
8 August to 14 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
15 August to 21 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
22 August to 28 August 2021 | $450 | $450 | $750 |
A full day of your usual work is what you were scheduled to work but could not because of a restricted movement order. This includes not being able to attend a full time, part time or casual shift of less than 8 hours.
Who is Eligible?
The following list of eligibility criteria have been announced as of 13 July 2021:
- Provided that you have lost 20 hours or more of work a week, you can claim a $600 disaster payment per week (up from $500 per week).Â
- If you’ve lost between 8 hours and 20 hours of work a week, you’ll be eligible to claim between $325 and $375 per week.Â
To streamline the payment process and to avoid having to apply each week, disaster payment will be recurring for eligible recipients for as long as the Commonwealth-declared hotspot and lockdown restrictions remain in place.
Key Takeaways
While the extended lockdown restrictions are far from ideal, the NSW government has responded favourably. It is offering NSW residents and businesses some much-needed relief to manage this second wave of COVID-19 related regulations, including:
- a cash flow boost,Â
- extended business grants,Â
- payroll tax relief,Â
- landlord support,Â
- tenant support (non-monetary – can’t be evicted for rental arrears), andÂ
- individual COVID-19 disaster payments (national scheme extended for NSW hotspots).
You will find that small businesses may be eligible for multiple grants altogether as the eligibility criteria are repeating on several grants. If you are unsure of which grant you are eligible for, feel free to Book an appointment to speak to an accountant.
You can either apply for the business grants yourself via the Service NSW website, or you can contact us at Box Advisory Services to help you submit your application.
To claim the disaster payment, you need a myGov account linked to a Centrelink online account.
If you’re feeling unsure about the eligibility requirements, make sure to get in touch, and we’ll help you navigate the latest NSW support payments.
1. What if I am a new business operating in NSW but I have not started operations in 2019, I have experienced a reduction in turnover of more than 30% due to the lockdown restrictions. Am I still eligible for any of the small business COVID-19 grants?
Answer: Maybe. Businesses that cannot demonstrate the minimum $75,000 aggregated annual turnover or the minimum decline in turnover should contact Service NSW as they may still be eligible to apply if they:
- were not operating for the full year to 30 June 2020 (e.g. they are a new business) but can demonstrate income consistent with $75,000 per annum over a shorter period prior to 26 June 2021, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders, or
- their turnover in June/July 2019 was not representative of their usual or average turnover (e.g. due to drought or bushfires) which is usually $75,000 per annum or more, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders.
2. What if I am a new MICRO business operating in NSW but I have not started operations in 2019, I have experienced a reduction in turnover of more than 30% due to the lockdown restrictions. Am I still eligible for the COVID-19 Micro Business Grant?
Answer: Maybe, Where a business cannot demonstrate a $75,000 turnover, the business should contact Service NSW to discuss further.
3. What if I operate my business through a trust structure, does it impact anything?
Answer: Where a business operates through a trust structure, the applicant will be required to provide additional information to demonstrate an aggregated annual turnover of $75,000 or more is derived through the trust, as opposed to a business linked to a trust.
4. What documents can ServiceNSW request to determine eligibility?
- accountant’s letter
- prior BAS statements
- income tax declarations
- audited profit and loss statements
- receipts and invoices from purchases.
5. What if I am unable to provide the documents listed above?
Answer: Where a business is unable to provide these documents, or where Service NSW is satisfied it has other suitable methods to determine eligibility, Service NSW may accept another form of documentation.
6. Does cash/accrual methods impact anything?
Answer: The Australian Taxation Office Goods and Services Tax (GST) concept will be applied when assessing whether an applicant experienced a 30% or more decline in national turnover. Therefore, if you have lodged GST on a Cash basis, your turnover test will be based on a cash basis. Alternatively, if you have lodged GST on an accrual basis, your turnover test will be based on an accrual basis.
1. What if I am a new business operating in NSW but I have not started operations in 2019, I have experienced a reduction in turnover of more than 30% due to the lockdown restrictions. Am I still eligible for any of the small business COVID-19 grants?
Answer: Maybe. Businesses that cannot demonstrate the minimum $75,000 aggregated annual turnover or the minimum decline in turnover should contact Service NSW as they may still be eligible to apply if they:
- were not operating for the full year to 30 June 2020 (e.g. they are a new business) but can demonstrate income consistent with $75,000 per annum over a shorter period prior to 26 June 2021, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders, or
- their turnover in June/July 2019 was not representative of their usual or average turnover (e.g. due to drought or bushfires) which is usually $75,000 per annum or more, and they can demonstrate they have been significantly impacted by the Public Health Orders.
2. What if I am a new MICRO business operating in NSW but I have not started operations in 2019, I have experienced a reduction in turnover of more than 30% due to the lockdown restrictions. Am I still eligible for the COVID-19 Micro Business Grant?
Answer: Maybe, Where a business cannot demonstrate a $75,000 turnover, the business should contact Service NSW to discuss further.
3. What if I operate my business through a trust structure, does it impact anything?
Answer: Where a business operates through a trust structure, the applicant will be required to provide additional information to demonstrate an aggregated annual turnover of $75,000 or more is derived through the trust, as opposed to a business linked to a trust.
4. What documents can ServiceNSW request to determine eligibility?
- accountant’s letter
- prior BAS statements
- income tax declarations
- audited profit and loss statements
- receipts and invoices from purchases.
5. What if I am unable to provide the documents listed above?
Answer: Where a business is unable to provide these documents, or where Service NSW is satisfied it has other suitable methods to determine eligibility, Service NSW may accept another form of documentation.
6. Does cash/accrual methods impact anything?
Answer: The Australian Taxation Office Goods and Services Tax (GST) concept will be applied when assessing whether an applicant experienced a 30% or more decline in national turnover. Therefore, if you have lodged GST on a Cash basis, your turnover test will be based on a cash basis. Alternatively, if you have lodged GST on an accrual basis, your turnover test will be based on an accrual basis.
FAQS (Updated):
1. Can any affected business in NSW apply?
Answer: Any micro-business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisation with a national aggregated annual turnover between $30,000 and $75,000 that has been impacted by the Public Health (COVID-19 Temporary Movement and Gathering Restrictions) Order 2021 can apply for this grant if they meet the eligibility criteria.
2. Who is not eligible for this grant?
Answer: Certain entities, including those primarily earning passive income (such as rents, interest or dividends) or those with an ABN registered after 1 June 2021, are not eligible for this grant. See the full list of ineligible businesses in Attachment A of the guidelines. Non-employing businesses are not eligible to apply for this grant if anyone associated with the business or who derives income from it has received the Commonwealth COVID-19 disaster payment.
3. Would I still be eligible if I don’t meet all the criteria and supporting evidence requirements?
Answer: There are several circumstances where a business may not meet the eligibility criteria and supporting evidence requirements, but still may be able to apply. These include:
- businesses not operating for the full year to 30 June 2020 (such as new businesses)
- businesses affected by drought, bushfires or other natural disasters
- business acquisition, disposal or business restructure that has impacted the business’ turnover
- a sole trader or small partnership impacted by sickness, injury or leave.
In these circumstances, businesses should contact Service NSW to determine if an alternate comparison period or alternative supporting evidence can be applied.
4. I work for myself with no employees. Can I apply if I’m already receiving the Commonwealth Disaster Payment?
Answer: Non-employing businesses are not eligible to apply if individuals associated with the business and who derive income from it are receiving a Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
5. Will I be eligible if my business operates in NSW but my ABN is registered elsewhere?
Micro-businesses primarily operating in New South Wales with their ABN registered elsewhere should contact Service NSW. They may be able to apply if they can provide evidence their business was primarily operating in New South Wales on 1 June 2021.
Evidence to demonstrate this includes commercial rates notices or lease agreements. Where a rates notice or lease agreement is not available, Service NSW may accept a combination of the following:
- utility bills
- insurance papers
- supply invoices
- registration papers
- contractor licences.
6. If I’m not eligible to apply for this grant, are there any other types of financial assistance you can help me with?
You may be eligible for other types of financial assistance as a part of the NSW Government’s COVID-19 response. See the NSW Government’s website for more information.
You can also contact us on 13 77 88 to discuss which financial assistance you may be eligible for.
7. I understand I need to maintain employee headcount, but what happens if an employee resigns or if they are terminated due to their own actions?
Businesses will remain eligible if their employee headcount declines because employees discontinue their employment relationship for reasons outside your control, for example if they voluntarily resign or retire.
Employees who have been stood down under the Fair Work Act 2009 or take leave without pay are considered employees for the purpose of headcount.
My business opened in 2020, so I don’t have any figures from 2019. What can I provide to show my turnover meets the eligibility requirements?
You need to provide business bank account statements for a minimum 3-month period to demonstrate turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000. Your quarterly bank statement will need to show turnover of $7,500 or more.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
8. My business opened in 2020, so I don’t have any figures from 2019. How do I show that my business has had a decline in turnover because of the lockdown?
You will need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period during the lockdown compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
This means if your business started in December 2020, you would need to use either the third or fourth quarters to show the decline in turnover.
You will need to provide either a letter from a qualified accountant or a business bank statement as evidence of the decline.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
9. My business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year. What can I provide to show my turnover meets the eligibility requirements?
You need to provide business bank account statements for a minimum 3-month period to demonstrate turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000. Your quarterly bank statement will need to show turnover of $7,500 or more.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
10. My business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year, so I don’t have any figures from 2019. How do I show that my business has had a decline in turnover because of the lockdown?
You will need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period during the lockdown compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
This means if your business started in December 2020, you would need to use either the third or fourth quarters to show the decline in turnover.
You will need to provide either a letter from a qualified accountant or a business bank statement as evidence of the decline.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
11. My business was affected by a natural disaster in 2019-20 and the turnover figures for that year are not representative of my usual turnover. What can I do?
You can demonstrate an alternative annual turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000 by providing either an Australian tax return for the 2018-19 financial year or business bank account statements for a minimum 3-month period from any of the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
12. If June and July 2019 were not representative of my usual turnover, how do I show the decline I experienced during lockdown?
To show your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period during the lockdown you can use a comparable 2-week period during any of the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
You will need to provide either a letter from a qualified accountant or a business bank account statement.
13. What if I’m unable to provide sufficient evidence?
If businesses cannot supply sufficient evidence, they will not be eligible for the grant. If you are unsure of what information you need to provide, you can review the list of required documents or contact Service NSW on 13 77 88 to discuss.
14. My business is not on the highly impacted industries list. What documents do I need to prove that I’ve experienced a 30% decline in turnover?
There is no highly impacted industries list for the micro-business grant.
To show a decline in turnover, you’ll need to submit a letter from a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent, using the template provided to demonstrate the decline in turnover or a business bank account statement (separate from any personal accounts).
15. What documents do I need to show that my business was operating in NSW on 1 June 2021?
We may request a copy of one of the following documents, dated within the last 3 months:
- a council rates notice
- a lease agreement.
If these are not available, you will need to provide at least 2 of the following:
- utility bills
- insurance papers
- supply invoices
- registration papers
- contractor licences.
16. What evidence will I be asked to show that my annual turnover is within the threshold for the grant?
You will need to provide evidence in the form of either a letter from an accountant, a business bank statement, an Australian income tax return or Notice of Assessment confirming that your business has an annual turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000.
17. How do I get a copy of my bank statement?
If you have online banking, you can log in and download statements to your computer. If you are unsure how to do this or do not have online banking, you should call your bank for assistance.
18. How do I get a copy of my tax assessment from MyGov?
Log in to your myGov account and select ATO. Select Tax, Lodgements, Income Tax, then the History tab. Find the year you are after and select the drop-down arrow next to that year. Select ‘View copy of notice of assessment’ and open the PDF.
If the year you are looking for is not showing or you don’t have a myGov account, you can phone the ATO on 13 28 61.
19. Where can I find my BAS statement?
If you’re a micro-business that lodges a BAS, how you lodge determines how you will be able to find your statements. For example, if you lodge through the ATO online services for business, your next statement will be available there.
If your accountant lodges your BAS on your behalf, they will be able to assist you.
20. How do I upload a file to my application?
If you have your supporting documents stored on your computer, follow the directions in the application to upload the ones you need.
If you do not have the documents on your computer, you can use an app to scan and save them or take a photo of them and save them to your computer.
21, My documents are too large. How do I compress files so they’re the correct size for loading into my application?
To reduce the file size, follow these instructions depending on the type of computer you have:
Mac – Compress your PDF
- In the Preview app on your Mac, open the PDF, then choose File > Export. Don’t choose Export as PDF.
- Select the Quartz Filter pop-up menu, then choose Reduce File Size.
PC – Compress your PDF online
- Open your internet browser. Navigate to the Acrobat online PDF compressor.
- Choose Select a File and locate your PDF, or simply drag and drop it to the Compress PDF field.
- Once your file is compressed, download your file.
22. How will I be paid?
Once your application is approved, you will receive automatic fortnightly payments. You will not need to re-apply, but if you have employees, you must notify Service NSW if you do not maintain the number of employees you had on 13 July 2021.
Payments will be made in arrears with the first payment backdated to 26 June 2021.
23. When will businesses get paid?
Funds will be paid into your bank account in 5 to 10 business days from when your application is approved.
24. How can I change my bank account details after my application?
Please contact ServiceNSW on 13 77 88 or email info@service.nsw.gov.au.
25. I have not received any funds and it’s been more than 10 business days since my application was approved. Who can I talk to about checking that my details are correct?
Please contact us on 13 77 88 or email info@service.nsw.gov.au.
26. Will there be an audit done on businesses after receiving the payment?
Your application may be subject to an audit by the NSW Government or its representatives. By applying for the grant, you agree to participate in the process if required.
As a part of the Terms and Conditions for receiving the grant, you are required to retain your proof of eligibility paperwork for a period of 5 years from the date of application in case you are audited.
27. How will ServiceNSW ensure that our privacy is protected?
See our Privacy Collection Notice for information on how we manage your personal information.
28. Will ServiceNSW be keeping my business data?
Your business data will be stored on your MyBusiness Account to enable you to complete faster transactions with Service NSW in the future.
Please note that every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this guide is accurate. You should note, however, that the information is intended as a guide only, providing an overview of general information available to business owners, property buyers and investors. This guide is not intended to be an exhaustive source of information and should not be seen to constitute legal, tax or investment advice. You should, where necessary, seek your own advice for any legal, tax or investment issues raised in your affairs.