Enjoy rewards from $200 for every referral
If you know of any business owners or contractors in need of accounting services, simply fill in the online form and submit their details. Once they’ve signed up and paid for their first month’s accounting services with us, you’ll both enjoy the benefits!
We’re in the interest of rewarding those who think outside the Box – the more referrals, the bigger the reward!
No. Referrals | You Get | Your Friend Saves | Total |
1 | $200 | $200 | $400 |
2 | $400 | $400 | $800 |
3 | $700 | $600 | $1,300 |
4 | $1,000 | $800 | $1,800 |
5 | $1,500 | $1,000 | $2,500 |
5+ | $350 per referral | $200 per referral | $550 per referral |
You’ll receive a gift card to the equivalent value to the number of referrals made. Your referring friend will receive the corresponding discount on their accounting services*
Conditions of offer:
*The gift card and discount on the accounting service is subject to the following terms and conditions:
- You must be a Box Advisory Services Client.
- The Referred Client must’ve paid one full monthly service and must still be a business or contractor client of Box Advisory Services.
- The type of gift card will be chosen by Box Advisory Services.
- The Referrer will receive the gift card upon fulfilling the above conditions;
- Box Advisory Services reviews all applications. All referral rewards are subject to the approval of Box Advisory Services.
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