
Tax Planning

Essential tax planning advice for your small business

Tax Minimisation - Reduce Your BAS

How to Reduce BAS Payments for Your Business

As a business owner or manager in Australia, one of the most crucial responsibilities you’ll encounter is managing your Business ...
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Tax Deduction for Buying A Car For Business

Buying a Car for Business – Tax Write-Off (Australia 2023)

As a savvy business owner or entrepreneur, you're always looking for ways to reduce your tax burden and increase your ...
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Must-Know Details About the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution

As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities. Not only do you need to worry about tax obligations ...
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accountant for doctors

How To Choose The Best Accountant for Doctors

Medical professionals constantly juggle their day-to-day practice with the business side of things.  But let's face it, as a doctor, ...
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tax compliance

What is Company Tax Compliance? The Essential Guide

Running a business is not always easy. One of the most important aspects for businesses, especially those who are just ...
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tax losses carried forward

How Tax Losses Carried Forward Can Help You Minimise Tax

It's not uncommon for business owners to experience losses in their business operations. From a tax perspective, however, this isn’t ...
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tax deductions for doctors

The 9 Best Tax Deductions For Doctors

Doctors are among the highest-earning professionals in Australia. And the higher the income, the higher the marginal tax rate. But ...
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land tax thumbnail

The Ultimate Guide on Land Tax

As an investor, there are several property taxes that you need to be aware of, one of them being a ...
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Essential Things You Need to Know About Payroll Tax

Payroll tax is tax payable where a business’s wages exceed specific thresholds that are imposed by each state or territory.  ...
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5 Simple Ways to Reduce Taxable Income For Small Businesses

Given that every cent counts in the current distressed market, as a small business owner, you’re going to want to ...
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main residence exemption 6 year rule thumbnail

Main Residence Exemption 6 Year Rule: The Essential Guide

If you’re new to the property investment sphere, being aware of the main residence exemption 6 year rule could save ...
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small business cgt concessions

The 4 Small Business CGT Concessions Your Business Needs Now

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) offers significant benefits and small business CGT concessions in an attempt to recognise that they ...
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home office expenses thumbnail

Home Office Expenses: The Essential Guide

Knowing about the tax deductions for your home office expenses will certainly boost your small business tax return.  However, many ...
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R&D tax incentive banner image

The Essential Guide to Apply for an R&D Tax Incentive

In an effort to drive innovation, the Australian Government offers an R&D tax incentive to companies who invest in research ...
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The Ultimate Guide on Fringe Benefits Tax

As a business owner, you could be liable for fringe benefits tax by providing benefits to your employees, or even ...
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Federal Budget

Everything You Need to Know About the 2020-21 Australian Federal Budget

With claims that the 2020-21 federal budget is the most significant budget in decades, it’s crucial to understand how it ...
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